Archive for April, 2008

YouTube working on live streaming

I’ve been sitting here in the San Jose Convention Center where Google’s sales and operations team have been having an in-house event. Al Gore spoke yesterday and a bunch of bloggers were on a panel today. Anyway, random Googler’s have been coming by all afternoon while I’ve been using the wifi to keep up on […]

I’ve redesigned

“Finally,” Om Malik just told me after I told him about my redesigned blog that just went live. We were just on a panel discussion talking to Google’s sales team.
Some things you’ll notice: a prominent FriendFeed component. I’ve really become addicted to FriendFeed. It’s the best place to watch my interactions around the Internet. More […]

Luminaries look to the future web

Luminaries predict the shape of tomorrow’s world wide web

Congratulations to our U.S. and Canadian Anita Borg Scholars

Where art thou?

How to avoid getting hooked

Free game hopes to save gorillas

Campaigners hoping to save mountain gorillas are making a game simulating the lives of the animals free to mobile phone users.

Games straddle worlds

Two of the biggest games of the year - GTA IV and Wii Fit - have finally arrived and they could not be more different.

Minggl shows future of social networking sites

Today Minggl came to my house and showed me their latest toolbar that joins Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace together. That’s pretty darn cool, although I can’t get it to work on Firefox’s newest betas (you gotta stick with old Firefox).
I’m trying it out on IE, and it is definitely the start of something interesting. […]

Seeing the first Ethernet cable (and reusable paper) at Xerox PARC

I got a tour of Xerox PARC and got a look at a few research projects as part of a press day today. That all is pretty cool, you can see my videos over on my Qik page, there’s a few.
But the last one was pretty fun. The President of PARC, Mark Bernstein, gave me […]